.. _PlatformSupport: **************** Platform Support **************** The supported Python versions are: * Core syntax: `Python2.7+, Python3.5+ `_ - see [pythonids]_ * Implementations: `CPython, PyPy, IPython, Jython, IronPython `_ - see [pythonids]_ The supported platforms are: * `Linux, BSD, Unix/Solaris, OS-X, Cygwin, and Windows `_ - see [platformids]_ * `x86, amd64, arm32/armhf, arm64/aarch64 `_ - see [machineids]_ Supported/Verified devices - see [machineids]_: * Notebooks, Workstations, and Server * PMs and VMs - Hybrid Clouds and Container Stacks * Windows-WSL * RaspberryPI, Asus-TinkerBoard For a complete list of supported platforms refer to '`Prerequisites `_', for current test status see ':ref:`Tested OS and Python Implementations `'.