************ deployit ************ .. todolist:: .. include:: index_part_abstract.rst .. toctree:: :includehidden: :caption: Documentation :numbered: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: index_part_abstract index_part_platform_support index_part_indices index_part_resources index_part_license .. include:: index_part_resources.rst ******** Licenses ******** Product ======= .. include:: project.rst .. only:: builder_html or builder_epub |profileinfoidx0| [xkcd]_ :ref:`Support the OpenSource Authors ` .. |profileinfoidx0| imagewrap:: _static/profile_info.png :width: 64px :target-html: index_part_license.html#profileinfopage .. only:: builder_singlehtml |profileinfoidx1| [xkcd]_ :ref:`Support the OpenSource Authors ` .. |profileinfoidx1| imagewrap:: _static/profile_info.png :width: 64px .. only:: not builder_singlehtml and not builder_html and not builder_epub |profileinfoidx2| [xkcd]_ Support the OpenSource Authors .. |profileinfoidx2| imagewrap:: _static/profile_info.png .. raw:: html Modified Artistic License ========================= The :ref:`modified Artistic License ` is based on the ArtisticLicense2.0, but adds the amendmend of "Forced-Fairplay-Constraints" for peer-to-peer fairplay rules. The modification restricts, and even revokes the permission including the open source attribution in case of breaches, including the past. .. parsed-literal:: License:ModifiedArtisticLicense2.0 = ArtisticLicense2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints From Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez Name ModifiedArtisticLicense2.0 This is perfectly allright, as you may refer to cases like the faith of Andreas Pavel [AndreasPavel]_, or even my own - UnifiedSessionsManager (C) 2008 Arno-Can Uestuensoez [UnifiedSessionsManager]_ - the first multivendor cloud management system, capable of distributed hybrid clouds including virtual desktops. The *UnifiedSessionsManager* was originally licensed as *GPL3*. So the software is OpenSource as long as you comply to basic rules - else not. * Artistic-License-2.0(base license): :ref:`ArtisticLicense20 ` * Forced-Fairplay-Constraints(amendments): :ref:`licenses-amendments `